Monday, November 24, 2008

To China and Back

Jeff arrived home safely from China two weeks ago. He learned that the Chinese culture is vastly different than anything he has experienced! From religious freedom and "civil rights" to food and dress to interpersonal styles, he found surprising differences in every area.

The kids LOVED singing "Head and Shoulders, Knees and Toes."

One very sweet girl was named "Iris" (English translation). She is pictured in the back row, 4th from the left. Sadly, she has a severe spinal deformity and is not expected to live for more than two more years. She will eventually not be able to breathe. She was so happy and helpful and certainly won a very special place in the heart of each team member. Uncer China's "one child" policy, second children, girls, or disabled children are often left abandoned. If orphans are not adopted and do not have money for higher education by the age of 14, the government will require them to work in a factory job.
Jeff's team also led seminars for 19 pastors.
The pastors declined to have photos taken due to potential danger if they are identified.

The team on the Great Wall. Jeff was very impressed! What an amazing feat it was to build a gigantic wall stretching over 4,000 miles.

(This link tells more about the Great Wall)

Below: One of the many buldings in the Forbidden City

Below: Enjoying some authentic Chinese Cuisine; Jeff was very happy to find a Starbucks located near the hotel!

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